Finding Beauty in the Daily Grind

The routine of my daily grind offers nothing extraordinary to the reader. Like others I start my day in a rush: shower, coffee, put my beauty on, and then
dash for a train.

I spend the day in an office in front of a computer, in meetings, talking to coworkers and clients. At some point, I break free for a hike around the city in pursuit of inspiration, which can come along in any form.

  • Conversations I eavesdrop on
  • Body art
  • Graffiti
  • Flowers
  • Faces
  • A couple holding hands
  • Clouds drifting across the Bay
  • A tugboat
  • A busker
  • A flyer plastered to the inside of a storefront window
  • A pair of shoes
  • An attractive person, one that is quirky, funny, strange, freaky, diminutive, garish

My favorite is snapping a photo and creating a persona. I make up a name and quickly add four comments about the person.

Man in cafe drinking wine might be:

  • A professor of history
  • Received an honorable discharge from Marines
  • Is a lapsed Catholic
  • Devotee to Tarot and ardent follower of his daily readings
  • Planning murder of the Gypsy girl he is in love with

Later, I hurry for a train home, cook dinner, catch-up with the family, and finally I am free to lavish myself in passions

Where do you hunt for inspiration?

I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival of Words #6